Monday, February 23, 2009

Dov & Adele Bodlander Receive a Much Deserved Award

On the 7th of February, at the Anshai Shalom dinner, Dov and Adele Bodlander received the Keter Torah award. This was not much of a surprise. Anyone who knows them is aware that they are tremendous Baalai Chesed. Dov is so dedicated to helping others that he often visits multiple minyanim on Shabbat mornings to make sure that they all have someone to lain Torah. Adele is often the first person people will turn to to provide a Tehilim reading or a learning group and is frequently called upon to put her hachnasas orchim talent to good use. This is only a small sampling of the many things this wonderful couple does. Dov and Adele are truly a roll model for their family, their friends and the community at large.
To enjoy the video, please click on the arrow below it.

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