Thursday, February 26, 2009

I've got spirit by: Leah Rose Fleischhacker

hello to all the relatives out there, i mean that literally because we are very unfortunate to not live near each other.
so this week was my favorite week

!!!!!spirit week

okay so some of you may be wondering what is spirit week. well we have categories and we dress up in those categories. well so here is what i did. Monday was extra religious day. i went to school in a long black skirt, black knee socks, ballet flats, a plain blue jacket, a necklace with Leah written on it in Hebrew and, my hair in braids

Tuesday was look into the future day so i dressed up as an author

Wednesday was Israel day and i dressed up as an Israeli flag

today was US history day and i dressed up as a Salem witch trial victim for those of you who don't know what that is its basically when they burned people who they thought were witches at the stake

tomorrow is pick a name day originally i picked my friend Sade cooper but i accidentally told her

so i switched with someone and i will be dressing up as my good friend Molly Brakah

so that's all about spirit week

here is another thing going on in my life right now

my school is putting on the play Pygmalion and i got the role of Alfred Doolittle and a reporter in the dance scene. we will be putting on this play March 4 and i am so excited

well that's all for now so as we texters say ttyl

p.s. check out my blog

THE END OF AN ERA - by Ruth Bodlander

How many times have we heard the expression "the end of an era". Here is one rather sad example.
Clapton Shul was founded in 1919 in East London, England where most of the Jewish population resided at that time. In 1931 a new building was established and over the following 40 years it had become the flagship Shul of its area. In the 1940s and 1950s it was not uncommon for several Chupahs to take place on one day and on the Yomim Naraim members felt it a privilege to be able to sit just at the very back of the Shul.
Visitors were awestruck by the beautiful architecture and many came especially just to sit under the ornate arched ceiling which was painted blue with silvery stars so that it felt as though you were davening ma'ariv under the night sky.
In the early 1970s, Mr. Harry Bodlander was appointed Shammas of the Shul and felt honoured to hold that position for the next 30 years. Apart from his Shabbos and Yom Tov duties, he also helped in the office and on many occasions during a weekday he acted as a guide to school children from all religions explaining the various parts of the Shul.
In the latter years, the congregation dwindled and as there was not enough financial assistance to keep up the running costs of the Shul, it sadly fell into disrepair and in 2005 the decision was made to close it down.
This beautiful building was sold in 2006 to a Chassidic Charitable Trust. It was hoped that they would use the Shul as a study centre but they very soon sold it to a developer who then immediately demolished it before it could be saved by being awarded a certificate as a building of outstanding beauty and heritage site.
This was "the end of an era" for Anglo Jewry. What the Nazis set out to do in 1930s Germany, the British Developer finished off in 2006!! An incredible waste of a beautiful building.
Please watch the video which is only 2 minutes long.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Monday, February 23, 2009

Dov & Adele Bodlander Receive a Much Deserved Award

On the 7th of February, at the Anshai Shalom dinner, Dov and Adele Bodlander received the Keter Torah award. This was not much of a surprise. Anyone who knows them is aware that they are tremendous Baalai Chesed. Dov is so dedicated to helping others that he often visits multiple minyanim on Shabbat mornings to make sure that they all have someone to lain Torah. Adele is often the first person people will turn to to provide a Tehilim reading or a learning group and is frequently called upon to put her hachnasas orchim talent to good use. This is only a small sampling of the many things this wonderful couple does. Dov and Adele are truly a roll model for their family, their friends and the community at large.
To enjoy the video, please click on the arrow below it.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Growing Up Bodlander

You can play the video above by clicking on the arrow. (it's about 7 minutes long) Enjoy the show

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Chanukah is such a special holiday. Especially when you spend it with family Latkes, dreydles, songs, games, and the little ones opening presents whether you live in London, Israel or the USA we all light candles for eight fabulous nights. You can enjoy the little film below by clicking on the arrow underneath it.